
Color System

The color system is the source of the colors that themes draw from. Each has a range of values from 0 (black #000000) to 150 (white #ffffff). Not all colors are or should be used in every theme, but the scales provide a chance to see the colors in a larger context and makes it easy to switch out colors as desired.

The number assigned to each estimates how light or dark that color is. For parts of an interface that are interactive, have text, or have any other important information, please use colors combinations that have at least a difference of 20 where colors overlap. Depending on the colors, you may need more contrast to create a theme that meets accessibility standards about contrast or color blindness.


System Name Value Sample
B0 #000000 image1
B10 #19232D image2
B20 #262E38 image3
B30 #37414F image4
B40 #455364 image5
B50 #54687A image6
B60 #60798B image7
B70 #788D9C image8
B80 #9DA9B5 image9
B90 #CBCACA image10
B100 #D9D8D8 image11
B110 #E1E1E1 image12
B120 #EEEEEE image13
B130 #F5F5F5 image14
B140 #FAFAFA image15
B150 #FFFFFF image16


System Name Value Sample
B0 #000000 image17
B10 #062647 image18
B20 #26486B image19
B30 #375A7F image20
B40 #346792 image21
B50 #1A72BB image22
B60 #057DCE image23
B70 #259AE9 image24
B80 #37AEFE image25
B90 #73C7FF image26
B100 #9FD9FF image27
B110 #C2E3FA image28
B120 #CEEBFF image29
B130 #DAF0FF image30
B140 #F5FBFF image31
B150 #FFFFFF image32